Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Prepared speaking on demand or request For all

Hello friends
How? Can anybody speak a little bit THAI?
Today during I searching on internet I Found some thing that interesting.
It is Thai conversation On some where in the world and want all of you  try it here
Just one dialogue only that can found , I am not very sure about license of this thing.
But if the thing is good or it right for you. It depends on you.

Hope to see your soon
Please feel like your home whenever come here.

Monday, June 1, 2009

New ! Learning To Speaking Thai language On Demand

Come back again.

After testing released the 1st Video.

Some impatient friends told me they want to learn the things as they want only.
Because they lazy to follow , they said.
But it will be better if they can ask any thing they want to know only.
Umm, it is a good Idea, I think so.

So , Who will be the first requester ?
Answer: Any one else.

Which sentence or phrase you want to speak or just want to know,
How Thai speaking or how they pronounce it?

Easy just post it over here in english.
I will make the video in Thai language for to guild you speaking then you can come and take it any time as you wanted.
So,That is Thai language Learning On Demand.

Thank you friend for this Idea.

And thank you for all Readers.

Please feel like your home.